Ultra Processed Foods

The Bliss Point

Have you ever opened a bag of chips and told yourself, ‘just a few,’ but then a few turns into a few more, and before you know it, the whole bag is gone? Then you feel terrible for not having any self-control.

Have you ever wondered why you really can’t have just a few?

Well, you’re not alone.

There are over 200,000 fast-food Restaurants and more than 4.6 million vending machines (according to Vending Market Watch) in the US today.

We are constantly on the move and surrounded by the temptation of junk food.

‘Junk food’ refers to ultra-processed, hyper-palatable foods that have no real nutritional value.

Unfortunately, these foods are very tasty, inexpensive, and widely available. There's no denying this reality.

The convenience factor alone makes it extremely difficult to stop eating junk food.

Couple that with the fact that these foods are deliciously tantalizing, and we have the perfect food storm.

We all know that junk food and sodas are not good for us. They make us fat and unhealthy, but we keep going back for more.

Why is that?

Is it because of the convenience? Is it because we don’t really know how bad this stuff is for us?

Or is it because these foods are literally engineered to be addictive?

Have you ever heard of the term ‘bliss point’?

‘Bliss point’ refers to the specific combination of flavors and ingredients in processed foods that make them highly palatable and addictive.

Food manufacturers spend billions to carefully engineer these products to hit the ‘bliss point,’ maximizing the pleasure and enjoyment consumers experience when eating them.

Junk food bliss point is achieved by finding the perfect balance of salt, sugar, fat, and other flavor enhancers, which stimulates the reward centers in our brain and triggers feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. The goal is to create a food that people find irresistible and crave, leading them to consume more of it.

The more of this food you eat, the more weight you gain as a result. The more weight you gain, the more addictive it becomes.

The problem is most of the ingredients in junk food are harmful ingredients that are illegal in Europe and other countries.

“It is a commonly held belief that if small amounts are used, then it won’t be harmful. But that is not true.”

- Dr. Sheela Sathyanarayana

Processed foods are like a legal drug. They take control of the dopamine receptors in our brains, creating a ‘food-high.’ You come off of this ‘food-high,’ craving more.

For example, almost all processed foods contain high fructose corn syrup, seed oils, trans fats, and more sugar.

High fructose corn syrup is a synthetic sweetener that has a higher sugar content than table sugar. Manufacturers add this ingredient to foods because it is cheaper, and they can use less than regular sugar.

Seed oils increase the production of Endocannabinoids. These compounds hijack the receptors in our brain, telling us that we are full in the same way that cannabis does. This causes increased cravings for more of these foods.

Trans fats have been heavily linked to inflammation, which leads to increased belly fat storage, autoimmune issues, heart disease, and obesity.

Trans fats have been outlawed in Europe but are still prevalent in US restaurants, primarily fast-food establishments.

One Bloomin’ Onion from a popular restaurant chain consists of more than 7 grams of trans fat.

The total number of people with diabetes worldwide is projected to double by 2030.

Bottom line:

It is apparent that food manufacturing companies will do whatever they legally can to keep you addicted to their products in an effort to sell more.

The intense flavor combinations and perfect balance of sweetness, saltiness, and fat make these foods highly desirable and easy to overconsume.

The junk food bliss point can contribute to unhealthy eating habits, overeating, and potentially lead to health issues like obesity and related conditions. Like cigarettes, removing these foods from your diet is the most effective approach.

However, not all processed foods are created equal. There are companies that seek out wholesome ingredients for their products.

If I don't understand what an ingredient is simply by reading the ingredients label, I stay away from that product.

For a balanced and healthy diet, it's essential to be mindful of the consumption of ingredients in processed foods, opting for whole, nutritious foods most of the time.


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