Raw Milk Part 1

One of the World’s Oldest Foods

It has been said that Cleopatra, an ancient Egyptian queen, would soak in milk baths to keep her skin looking young and healthy!

What exactly is raw milk?

The easiest way to explain what raw milk is is to first explain what pasteurized milk is.

In the US, the primary method of pasteurization is High Temperature Short Time (HTST) pasteurization. It involves raising milk temperature to at least 161°F for about 15 seconds using metal plates and hot water, followed by rapid cooling.

Homogenization is also a common process applied to the majority of pasteurized milk. It involves subjecting the milk to intense pressure to improve its texture, appearance, and flavor.

During the pasteurization and homogenization process, many—if not all—of the beneficial nutrients in raw milk are destroyed, altered, or inhibited, including calcium.

Now, What is Raw Milk?

The simplest explanation for raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized.

Milk, in its raw, form is one of the easiest foods to digest and is considered a whole food because it is loaded with natural enzymes, probiotics, essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and calcium. So, lots of good stuff.

Being exposed to the high heat and pressure is what denatures proteins, breaks down antibodies, and kills the good bacteria in milk.

Why Pasteurize Milk?

Due to the delicate nature of raw milk and lack of proper sanitation, in 1987, the FDA began regulating milk and requiring pasteurization as a measure to eliminate potential harmful bacteria.

As stated in the The Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR Sec. 1240.61):

"No person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell…unless the product has been pasteurized or is made from dairy ingredients (milk or milk products) that have all been pasteurized..."

Because of this….

Raw Milk is Illegal in Some States

Wait, it’s illegal?


Farms distributing raw milk to the public are required to comply with stricter cleanliness standards. Manufacturers find it more efficient to pasteurize milk, eliminating any potential bacteria, rather than relying solely on good hygiene practices.

Raw milk is tested for food safety rather than pasteurized for food safety.

What if I’m Lactose Intolerant?

Raw milk contains all the nutrients to help your body process the raw milk.

People who are lactose intolerant may be able to digest raw milk without any issues.

Because pasteurized milk is lacking in any real nutrients, many people have developed an intolerance to what is essentially a sugary beverage with little to no nutritional value.

Milk Alternatives

Due to the increasing number of people with lactose intolerance, there are lots of alternatives to regular pasteurized milk on the market. Some examples are A2 milk, goat milk and plant-based milks, like oat and almond.

All of these milk alternatives claim to be easier to digest. The problem with these milks is that they are pasteurized (like A2 and goat milk) which kill off the natural nutrients and/or fortified with synthetic nutrients.

Plant-based milks also have all kinds of additives in them, like fillers and sweeteners, to make them more palatable.

Bottom line: they all lack basic nutrition.

How Long Does it Stay Fresh?

Raw milk does not actually 'go bad.' It will transform over time, becoming more sour and thicker, essentially turning into yogurt.

The acidity can vary, but you can always add sweeteners like honey or pure maple syrup if needed, or just opt for berries if you like the raw yogurt flavor.

There are many ways to use raw milk, even after it has soured. It can be made into a creamy salad dressing, added as buttermilk for pancakes or waffles, or you can cook and bake with it. The uses are endless..

Ways to Incorporate Raw Dairy

  • Raw Milk

  • Raw Kefir

  • Raw Cheese

  • Raw Yogurt

  • Raw Cream

Additional Benefits

The Wulzen Factor or Anti-stiffness Factor: Stigmasterol is a fat-soluble compound present in raw milk and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, particularly on stiff joints.

The antibodies and enzymes in raw milk have immune-boosting effects. There have been studies that show people who consume raw milk get sicker 30% less than those who do not.

Raw milk is rich in vitamins and minerals that are bioavailable and easier for the body to absorb. One particularly interesting component is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which has been claimed to aid in fat loss.

Due to its nutrient density, consuming all the essential components in raw milk helps keep you satiated throughout the day.


Drink raw milk.

Got a cold?

Drink raw milk.


Drink raw milk.

Great, So How can I get Raw Milk?

You can find raw milk in retail stores in the following states: California, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.

If you do not live in one of these states, you may be able to find raw milk at a nearby farm using the following link: https://www.realmilk.com/raw-milk-finder/.

Other options are through co-op farmers or herd share programs. The herd share programs allow individuals to co-own a herd to enjoy the benefits of their cows' produce.

There you have it -

Drink Raw Milk from Happy Cows.


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