Hydration Station

Tips for Choosing the Right Electrolytes

Just Imagine…

It’s summer time, 90° outside but it feels like 110° and you are sweating profusely. The heat is almost unbearable and you are looking for something to quench your thirst. You want something more hydrating than water but healthier than, Gatorade or other electrolyte drinks loaded with sugar and unnecessary ingredients.

Good thing you have an electrolyte powder on hand!

If you’ve ever seen Idiocracy you know even plants crave electrolytes on hot summer days.

Just kidding —

Now to the Facts

Approximately 60% of the human body is composed of water, and this vital substance is contained in every part of your body, even in your bones.

Dehydration occurs when the body lacks sufficient water and electrolytes to operate optimally. Even a minimal loss of 1% in your overall water content can result in dehydration.

Electrolytes help maintain fluid throughout the body. Without electrolytes our cells are unable to get the water they need to function. Electrolytes also power our muscles and all of our organs.

Water alone isn't hydrating enough.

Electrolytes also help with tasks, such as sending nerve signals, maintaining our body's pH balance (acid-base balance), and supporting various biochemical reactions that keep us healthy and alive.

Since electrolytes are water-soluble and our bodies are mostly made up of water, we constantly lose electrolytes through sweat, urine, and other bodily fluids.

That's why it's essential to regularly consume foods and drinks that contain electrolytes to replenish the ones we lose.

The Most Common Electrolytes:

Sodium: Crucial for transmitting electrical signals between cells.

Potassium: Vital for nerve and muscle cell function, including the heart.

Calcium: Important for bone health, muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting.

Magnesium: Involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body, as well as energy production.

Chloride: Important for maintaining proper blood pressure and the body's acid-base balance.

It’s important to note, sodium and potassium should be balanced in the correct ratio.

NA+ K+

Sodium is required for potassium to do its job. Our bodies need 3 ions of sodium for every 2 ions of potassium.

There is a special structure inside our cells called the sodium-potassium pump. It's like a tiny machine that uses energy to move sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell. This sodium and potassium pump work to generate energy in the cells and to make our muscles work.

For example, when you want to move your hand or any part of your body, your brain sends electrical signals through your nerves to tell your muscles to move. The muscles then respond to these signals, causing them to contract and move.

Signs You May Need to Replenish Your Electrolytes

  • Dark Yellow Urine

  • Dry Mouth and Dry Skin

  • Cramps

  • Water Retention/Swelling

  • Constipation

  • Fatigue and Weakness

  • Irritability


Choosing the right electrolyte powder can be overwhelming. There are so many electrolyte powders on the market. So how can you feel confident you’re getting the right one?

The following are some things to note when you are trying to pick an electrolyte powder:

Check the ingredients: Look for a powder that contains the most common essential electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride.

Low in added sugars: Some electrolyte powders may have added sugars or artificial sweeteners. These are not necessary so you may want to find a powder with minimal or no added sugars to avoid unnecessary blood sugar spikes.

No artificial additives: Avoid electrolyte powders with artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Look for a natural and clean ingredient list. This will ensure what you are consuming is generally better for your overall health.

Opt for citrates: Citrates are formed by combining minerals with citric acid, which is naturally present in fruits like oranges and lemons. Citrates enhance the absorption of minerals in the digestive system.

Consider the purpose: Different electrolyte powders are formulated for specific purposes, such as hydration during exercise, recovery after intense workouts, or support during illness. Choose one that aligns with your needs.

Taste preference: Electrolyte powders come in various flavors. Choose one that you enjoy, as it can encourage you to drink more and stay hydrated.

Electrolyte ratios: Different activities may lead to the loss of specific electrolytes. For example, intense exercise can result in significant sodium depletion. Sodium is typically used up more quickly than other minerals. Therefore, search for electrolyte powders that contain higher amounts of high-quality salt.

Brand reputation: Choose a reputable brand that is known for producing high-quality and safe products.

Read reviews: Look for reviews and feedback from other consumers to gauge the effectiveness and taste of the electrolyte powder.

Another important thing to note about electrolytes is that they do not break a fast — unless you’re doing a dry fast.

To avoid cotton-mouth, drink your Brawndo, folks!


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