Carbonated Water

Improves Digestion

Do you dread the thought of drinking plain old water all of the time?

It just doesn’t compare to the satisfying taste of soda.

Well, have you ever tried replacing soda with carbonated water?

Also known as sparkling water/bubble water/soda water/seltzer/club soda/gas water…

Or if you’re in Germany, wassermitgass.

All of these different names refer to the same thing.

Water that has carbonic acid added to it.

And it may be just what you need to finally kick that soda craving.

Plus it has additional benefits.

So, yeah, soda may taste good.

But did you know it also weakens your bones over time?

Phosphoric acid is added to sodas and even some fruit juices to sharpen their flavor and to extend their shelf life.

Carbonated water does not contain phosphoric acid, just CO2.

Which has the ability to…

Improve Digestion

Carbonated water stimulates the vagus nerve.

Ever heard of the term ‘rest and digest’?

The vagus nerve primes the parasympathetic nervous system.

As opposed to the 'fight or flight' response, this nervous system is in charge of the rest and digest system in your body.

Which in a nutshell means that pairing carbonated mineral water with a meal can make it easier for your body to digest food.

Carbonated water can also help with the after effects of eating.

Yes, I’m talking about bowel movements.

Since carbonated water stimulates the vagus nerve, this helps your body relax so that you are able to have easier movement.

Since we’re on the topic of poop, let me also mention that carbonated water…

Helps with Constipation

This makes sense, especially when you drink carbonated mineral water.

In addition to helping your muscles relax, all of those minerals go to work to help your body function and move things along.

In the context of health, CO2 is a key factor we can’t ignore.


The body actually needs CO2 for oxygen to be absorbed.

This is called the Bohr effect.

CO2 allows for more oxygen to be absorbed into your cells and into your tissues.

Which explains why carbonated spas or baths are beneficial for people with circulatory problems and chronic wounds.

It’s also used as a therapy for people after a stroke and to decrease the rate of amputation.

CO2 is a potent anti-tumor, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory gas.

And a great alternative for people trying to kick that soda habit for good.

By the way, Spindrift is a great flavored carbonated water because they use real fruit juice.


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