100% Grass Fed Beef

Is it Worth The Hype?

There are lots of health benefits associated with eating grass finished beef.

So we are all on the same page, let’s talk about what grass finished beef is.

It’s beef that comes from cows that forage on grass in pastures, they are not fed grains or grain byproducts and must have continuous access to a pasture.

Grass finished cows live for about 30 months.

The traditional factory farm cows live for only about 14 months because they get fatter so much faster.

(The faster the cow grows, the faster the factory farmer can sell the cow to make a profit. And the bigger the cow is, the more money the farmer can get.)

Now, is there really a difference between grass finished, pastured cows and grain fed, factory farmed beef?

Short answer — yes.

Grass finished beef is healthier and cleaner. It is packed with significantly more nutrients and contains less pollutants and fewer pesticides, like glyphosate.

Grass finished beef contains much higher amounts of:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA 3x higher and EPA 10x higher)

  • Phytonutrients from the grass they eat

  • Microbial diversity

  • Niacin (a form of vitamin B3)

  • Vitamin A levels

  • Vitamin C levels

  • Vitamin E levels

  • CoQ10

  • Antitumor biomarkers

  • Choline

  • Carnosine

What about Grass Fed vs. Organic?

If a product says 100% certified organic, it is 100% organic. If the product just states organic, it is 95-99% organic.

Organic means the cows feed contains no pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, antibiotics, hormones, or biosolids.

(Biosolids, when looked up, are referenced as a “nutrient-rich organic byproduct”, which is a marketing term for sewage sludge.)

When it comes to grass fed cows, there are no legal requirements.

So, If you are going to choose between organic or grass fed, organic would be the better choice because…

1. You don’t know how long the cow was fed grass (since there are no legal requirements).

2. When the cow is fed grains it reverses all of the benefits received from the grass diet so you’re paying a premium price for a not premium product.

And since it is so popular now —

Grass finished beef is easily accessible.

US Wellness Meats is a great place to find grass-finished and organic. Many grocery stores also offer 100% grass fed organic beef.

One downside to grass finished beef becoming so popular is that manufacturers are going to try to trick consumers into buying their product at a premium (if they can).


If a product does not specify grass finished or 100% grass fed then it will be grain finished.

Obviously, we can’t always eat the best quality food because we have busy lives with kids and work and we will occasionally have to eat out.

So is it end all be all if we don’t eat grass finished beef?


Sometimes we have to compromise with the time that we have.

The bottom line is educate yourself and do the best you can.

Helpful Tip: Grass-fed beef cooks 30% quicker!

By the way, have you herd (pun intended)…toxic sludge is good for you. Curious to learn more about biosolids?

This is an interesting book uncovering the truth about food manufacturing and pharmaceutical companies.


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